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Showing posts from November, 2010

Stocking Stuffers

A great stocking stuffer alternative for your youngsters this Christmas Season are organic fruit snacks that are made in a nut-free facility and are packed full of healthy, allergen free ingredients. Stocking Stuffer savings can be found at Blue Bear Aware ; use the code XSS12 to receive your holiday treats for $2.49 (3 x 0.9oz/25g pkgs) or $1.97 (2.75oz/78g pkg) until Dec 11th or while quantities last.

Auto-Injector Pouches now on SALE!

Order the Race car and Epi-princess pouch for only $24.97, while quantities last. These pouches are light weight, durable and water resistant. They also help regulate the temperature of the medication and have an easy to use zipper and buckle. Remind your son or daughter to wear their pouch under their jacket as the winter weather approaches. To purchase an auto-injector pouch for $24.97, place the code AP11 in the coupon box at the check-out .

NASK Advocacy & Parliament Hill Meeting - Motion 546

SPECIAL MEETING OF MPs CALLED TO DISCUSS ANAPHYLAXIS Individuals from across Canada have been connecting with their MPs - and this work is paying off. Your stories have provided MPs and Ministers with direct insight into the realities and challenges of living with anaphylaxis - whether it's related to food labelling, flying, or the work you undertake to educate your community. Our combined efforts have resulted in MPs calling a meeting to discuss what the federal government may do to better respond to the growing number of Canadians with anaphylaxis. In the weeks ahead, we suggest you contact your MP and urge her/him to attend the meeting hosted by MP Dean Allison on December 7. READ THE LATEST ON OUR PROGRESS IN OTTAWA "Members of Parliament will be meeting in Ottawa in the coming weeks to discuss how the federal government can better respond ... Rick Dykstra, MP "Dean Allison, Niagara West - Glanbrook MP, will be hosting a nonpartisan meeting of ...