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Store Closing

We've heard that before...

On December 31, 2018, the storefront for will be shut down. As the owner of this amazing online retailer, I can assure you that this is a genuine closing. Further, I do not have any intention of selling the business. On the contrary, I plan to keep Blue Bear alive. YES! We'll still be here. Just not selling products for the foreseeable future.

What can you expect to see in the future?

I love bringing smiles to people's faces. I love knowing that I have made someone feel important. To let them know that I see them and they matter. I have a big a-s, bleeding heart. I know it. I own it. I want to save the world, one person at a time. I've been a crisis counselor. I've worked with the women's shelter. In our food allergic community, I started as a support group leader. To say that those experiences were rewarding is absolutely an understatement, but my life has changed since then. I have so little time to volunteer that I need to re-prioritize. 

My children are still young and while I am naturally a bit of a workaholic - I joke that I'd be Type A if I weren't too lazy. Kidding! Sort of. - I know that I have limits. I want to ensure that I am there for my children while they need me. That I am there for my partner who is the most amazing, patient man I know. I want to return to being a highly respected project manager in my field in my day job. I cannot do that, not well, with so many commitments. Our lives are busy. So for now it is my hope that with the closing of the store - which can be quite time consuming - I will be able to take my very limited spare time and put that toward the activities that feed my heart and soul: Keeping up with Research, Raising awareness, Blogging, and of course, baking like a 'mother'. Because I can. :-)  

Over the past couple of years I have been working on more characters to add to Blue's life. He has a whole world to share with everyone and I plan to help him. It may take a bit of time to wrap up the business side of things but once we have that under wraps, be ready to see more posts and more fun resources. I do not know exactly what the future holds but we aren't going anywhere. We'll still be here and we hope you'll continue on this journey with us.

Jennifer Burch

P.S. If you're interested in buying inventory in larger quantities for a discount, please email me directly at teamblue (at)


  1. Good work…unique site and interesting too

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