- Remind your Child's Teacher of your son/daughter's allergies-- as food may be handed out.
- Volunteer to help prepare the Valentine Snacks- 'Heart' toast bites (toast some bread, cut out a heart with a cookie cutter and spread with a favourite topping)
- Surf Sweets for your sweetie- 100% natural and organic Allergen Free treats
- Make a Valentine's message on colourful construction paper, card stock, lacey paper dollies, glitter, stickers..... and the list continues!
- Find an alternative to real flowers- create a bouquet with egg cartons, scraps of fabric... let you imagination soar!
Store Closing We've heard that before... On December 31, 2018, the storefront for bluebearaware.com will be shut down. As the owner of this amazing online retailer, I can assure you that this is a genuine closing. Further, I do not have any intention of selling the business. On the contrary, I plan to keep Blue Bear alive. YES! We'll still be here. Just not selling products for the foreseeable future. What can you expect to see in the future? I love bringing smiles to people's faces. I love knowing that I have made someone feel important. To let them know that I see them and they matter. I have a big a-s, bleeding heart. I know it. I own it. I want to save the world, one person at a time. I've been a crisis counselor. I've worked with the women's shelter. In our food allergic community, I started as a support group leader. To say that those experiences were rewarding is absolutely an understatement, but my life has changed since then. I have so ...
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